Product Description
We are a good supplier for dental chair from China. We have got Ce and ISO approval by TUV.
HB-2000C Chair-Mounted Dental Unit
Standard Accessories:
Cold shadowless operating lamp 1pc
3-way syrine 1pc
Adjustable constant temperature cupfilling system 1pc
Controlable boweling and cupfilling system 1pc
Water suction 1pc
Air suction 1pc
X-Ray film viewer 1pc
Dental stool 1pc
1\The whole spittoon unit which make sterilization and cleanness more convenient
2\Compact instrument tray which make cleaning easily
3\Rotatable handpiece holder system with more convenience to avoid possible hurtness from handpiece bur against dentist
HB-2201 Chair-Mounted Dental Unit
Standard Accessories:
Cold shadowless operating lamp 1pc
3-way syrine 1pc
Adjustable constant temperature cupfillin system 1pc
Water suction 1pc
Air suction 1pc
X-Ray film viewer 1pc
Dental stool 1pc
1. Comfortable dental patient chair with somatological design
2. Top mounted instument tray with more convenience to dentist's treament
3. Easily move the whole cuspidor which make sterilization and cleaness more convenient
4. Rotatable cuspidor unit and assistant bar make assistant closer with patient fully
5. Driving and controlling power all are low voltage which make operation more safe and reliable
HB-2200 Chair-Mounted Dental Unit
Standard Accessories:
Cold shadowless operating lamp 1pc
3-way syrine 2pcs
Adjustable constant temperature cupfilling system 1pc
Controlable boweling and cupfilling system 1pc
Water suction 1pc
Air suction 1pc
X-Ray film viewer 1pc
Dental stool 1pc
Ultrasonic scaler 1set
Curing light unit 1set
1. Comfortable dental patient chair with somatological design
2. Easily move the whole spittioon unit which make sterilization and cleanness more convenient
3. Compact instrument tray which make operation and cleaning easily
4. Driving and controlling power all are low voltage which make operation more safe and reliable
5. Rotatable cuspidor unit and assistant bar make assistant closer with patient fully
HB-2101 Chair-Mounted Dental Unit
Standa rd AcceSSO rles
Cold shadowless operating lamp l pc
3way syrine 2 pcs
Adjustable constantternperatu re cupfilling system l pc
Controable boweling and cupfilling system l pc
Auto water suction l pc
Auto ai r suctlOn l pc
X_Ray film viewer l pc
Dental stool l pc
1\Comfortable dental patient chairwith somatological design, healthy and safety
2\Driving and controlling power all are low voltage hich make operation more safe and reliable
3\Rotatable handpiece holder system with more convenience to avoid possible hurtness from handpiece bur against dentist
4\Rotatable cuspidor unit and assistant bar make assistant closer with patient fully
For the detailes, pls visit our website.
If you need more information, pls feel free to contact us.